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and Arbutus unedo, have also been identified in secondary burials.

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Other taxa, such as Salix/Populus, Prunus sp. In these primary contexts, the ubiquitous taxa were Quercus sp. Charcoal remains recovered inside the structures, of bustum type, are the remains of the fuel burned during the cremation of the corpses. The structures related to cremation rites include primary and secondary contexts. Archaeobotanical data from Roman cemeteries in this area are very scarce, but they provide valuable information on the funerary customs introduced by the Roman Empire to the provinces, and how this interaction could be reflected in the management of firewood.

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The case study of Reza Vella (Ourense, Spain) provides valuable information about the uses and the role of plants in a funerary context in northwest Iberia. It is up to you to decide whether the things you gain from this quest will benefit you greatly.The aim of this paper is to reflect on the role of firewood in Roman burial rites of cremation. This quest gives you somewhat useful benefits when you complete it. Humans Weaknesses and Loot Funeral Pyres is somewhat worth doing You can cast the Aard, Igni, or Axii Sign to stagger, stun or knock them down and give yourself an opening to attack.Coat your Steel Sword with Hanged Man's Venom to deal bonus damage to them.Rotfiend Weaknesses and Loot Priest/Bandits (Humans) When this happens, immediately move away or cast the Quen Sign to protect yourself. When the Rotfiend's HP gets low, they will become invulnerable and explode before they die.You can cast the Aard, Igni, or Axii Sign to stagger them and give yourself an opening to attack.Coat your Silver Sword with Necrophage Oil to deal bonus damage to them.Funeral Pyres Tips and Strategies Combat Strategies Ghouls

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